Incoterms DAP: Delivered at Place

Release time:2024-03-14 14:40

Incoterms DAP: Delivered at Place

Named Place Required: Place of Destination

DAP Shipping Obligations

What is the Delivered at Place (DAP) Incoterm?

DAP stands for Delivered at Place.


Under the Delivered At Place (DAP) Incoterms, the responsibility for delivering goods, prepared for unloading at the designated destination, falls to the seller. This includes taking on all risks associated with the journey up to the point of unloading, which, along with its associated costs, is the buyer's responsibility.


DAP is versatile, applicable across various, or even multiple, modes of transport. It's essential for both buyer and seller to precisely define the unloading location within the agreed destination to ensure clarity and avoid disputes.


In terms of costs, unless specifically negotiated otherwise, the seller is not entitled to compensation for any unloading expenses under the shipping contract. Additionally, DAP stipulates that the seller is responsible for arranging export clearances. However, there's no requirement for the seller to manage or pay for import clearances, duties, or fulfill any import customs procedures, placing these obligations squarely on the buyer. This division of responsibilities makes DAP a flexible yet distinct Incoterm, balancing the duties between the international trade parties.

DAP Shipping Obligations

Under the Delivered At Place (DAP) Incoterms, responsibilities are distinctly divided between the seller and the buyer. Here's a detailed breakdown presented in a table format:

Seller’s Obligations

Buyer’s Obligations

Provide the goods, commercial invoice, and necessary documentation.

Make payment for the goods as specified in the sales contract.

Handle export packaging and marking.

Take responsibility for unloading the goods from the arriving means of transportation.

Secure export licenses and complete customs formalities.

Manage import formalities and duties.

Organize pre-carriage and deliver the goods to the named place of destination.

Cover the cost of import clearance and pre-shipment inspection.

Pay loading charges.

Arrange onward carriage and delivery from the named place to the final destination, if specified.

Cover the cost of pre-shipment inspection.


Arrange and pay for the main carriage.


Provide proof of delivery.



The DAP Incoterms require the seller to take on the bulk of the transportation risk and costs until the goods are delivered to the named destination, ready for unloading. However, unloading the goods is the buyer's responsibility, both in terms of risk and cost. This clear delineation ensures that both parties understand their responsibilities, reducing potential conflicts and misunderstandings in international trade transactions.


Key Features of DAP

The DAP (Delivered At Place) Incoterm is distinguished by several features that render it particularly beneficial for international trade scenarios. These features include:


Delivery to the Named Place of Destination: The seller's obligation under DAP extends to delivering the goods to a mutually agreed-upon location. This could range from a port or an airport to a specific warehouse, providing a versatile solution for various logistical requirements.


Risk Transfer: A pivotal aspect of DAP is the point at which the risk of loss or damage transitions from the seller to the buyer. This transfer occurs once the goods reach the specified destination, ready for unloading, thereby clearly defining the risk responsibilities.


Cost Allocation: The seller assumes the financial responsibility for all costs related to transporting the goods to the destination. This encompasses transport expenses, as well as charges for export and import clearance, ensuring the goods' arrival at the final destination.


Flexibility: One of the standout attributes of DAP is its adaptability concerning delivery location. It accommodates any transportation method, be it land, sea, or air, offering traders a versatile framework suitable for a broad range of shipping needs.


These features collectively contribute to DAP's attractiveness, providing a reliable and efficient framework for parties engaged in global commerce to manage their shipping and delivery arrangements effectively.

Bottom Line

The DAP (Delivered At Place) Incoterm indeed offers a structured division of responsibilities and risks, enhancing flexibility for delivery locations and accommodating various modes of transport. This clarity and versatility make DAP a preferred choice for many in international trade. Yet, there are challenges to consider:


Uncertainty Regarding Delivery Time: Given the extensive logistics involved, especially across borders, delivery timelines can be unpredictable, potentially affecting planned schedules.


Risk of Damage During Unloading: Since the unloading process falls under the buyer's responsibility, there's an inherent risk of goods being damaged at this final stage, for which the seller has no liability.


Potential for Disputes: The delineation of responsibilities might lead to disagreements, particularly concerning the condition of goods upon arrival or the execution of unloading procedures.


For these reasons, it's crucial for both buyers and sellers to have a thorough understanding of the DAP terms. Knowledge of each party's obligations and the risks involved is key to navigating these challenges effectively. Engaging in a contract under DAP terms requires careful consideration and planning to ensure a seamless and successful transaction.


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Free Carrier (FCA) – 2024 Shipping Incoterms Guide

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